
Instagram Crush: Helga Lovekaty (25 Photos)

See more of Helga Lovekaty on her Instagram at @helga_model

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Let's talk about my previos post about #McGregor vs #Mayweather fight. I think this fight will be not just about two great fighters but about big business too. It’s the #boxing jungle and Floyd is a real big tiger. #UFC fights become a really popular last times, but boxing still losing its popularity due to the prolonged crisis in the heavyweight and finishing of Mayweather’s boxing career in 2015. #WBC, #WBA, #IBF and #WBO will never allow their champ to lose to a fighter who does not have nothing to do with boxing. Plus Floyd stands on top of the boxing hill, but Conor is a part of #DanaWhite team. Mayweater never lose at professional career but Conor lose 3 times. I think it will be really interesting event. Floyd will win after round 12 if the Conor suddenly does not knock him out. In any case, I'm looking forward to this event and hope to see a great fight. Let the strongest win! 😏😈💪

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Recently, there appeared some huge number of accounts with fake followers in the instagram. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Only by the email I get 3-5 offers to buy subscribers, likes or views every day. Muffled services actively deceive people for money, showing them allegedly promoted accounts by them. There are individuals with millions of "lively" followers who leave the same comments 100 times, and the account tagged at 5-10 photos maximum. Immediately one can see "lively" interest. 😂👌🏻 As for me, I have never used such services, and I think that those who use them, will have a lot of problems in future. They will be blocked, or when the possibility of cheating will disappear the account will simply die. 🤔 As for my account, it's a pity that a lot of man followers are just afraid to like posts, because they could have the problems from girlfriend or wife. And girls, in principle, try not to follow to model accounts, maybe out of a sense of competition, but at the same time they actively looking into the account, browsing through photos. 😏 In general, what a result: I will make really cool photos and videos, telling about something really interesting to my followers, well, or just beautiful. In a word – be true!!!✌️😊 #indonesia #helga #bali #model

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Happy Helga ❤️ #bali #indonesia #helga

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💞 я вдохновилась Кипром. Ведь сделать выводы о стране не зная её истории только на основании картинок нескольких её самых известных мест – это тоже самое, что сделать вывод о человеке совсем с ним не общаясь. Теперь я знаю кое-что о Кипре и мне точно захочется приехать сюда снова. 💕☺️ 💞 I was inspired by Cyprus. To make a conclusions about the country only on several of its most famous places without knowing the history is the same as to make conclusion about person without communication. Now I know a lot about the Cyprus history and definitely want to come here again. ☺️❤️ #helga #helgamodel #helgadiary #cyprus #cyprus2016 #Кипр

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I'm really looking forward to the new #episodeVIII. Most likely you already noticed that #StarWars had certain similarities of plot lines of old and new films: master and padawan walk in the desert, someone's hand was cut off ✋🗡, explode the #DeathStar, all annoying cheerful loser 😤. That's why I'm really pleased with the update of the characters that is happening now.✌️😉✌️ It's great that in the center of the plot is the girl #Rey. I think that this will definitely give Star Wars new opportunities for development and will find a new additional loyal audience. Personally, I would like to see the progress of the story in this way. There was still no strong female character on the Dark Side in the movie. We need a hero who would be able to convey to the galaxy's inhabitants the true story and motives of #DarthVader. A character for whom only true force would be important and she could unite its carriers from the both sides. ❤️🖤 I think it's just not possible for a super-bureaucratized #Jedi from the light side. Because the character who moved from the #DarkSide to the Gray is much easier to convey his ideas to the inhabitants than to the character of the #LightSide who also switched to the Gray. I willn’t be surprised and it will be really funny if the Supreme leader #Snoke is a woman (of course I'm kidding) 🤣. After all, women are more insidious and dangerous than men. These would be completely different and more sophisticated methods of fighting for superiority in the galaxy. Would you like to see a strong female character on the Dark Side?🤔 May the Force be with you. #episodeVIII #starwarsfan #starwarsday #starwarsart #maytheforcebewithyou #theforceawakens #stormtrooper #r2d2 #LukeSkywalker

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