The 25 Coolest Adult Treehouses on the Planet

Growing up as little boys, we dreamed of having the coolest treehouse on the block. A secret fort where we did nothing but…well things that little boys do. We would read comic books, trade Upper Deck baseball cards, and there was only one rule; the golden rule really: no girls allowed. These days we’d probably amend that rule, but growing up, it was what we lived by.
While the rules of our treehouse may have changed with age, the desire for owning one has not. Ironically enough, the reasons we still want a treehouse as an adult are still fueled by all of the same needs. We are looking for a place where we can get away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our own personal place to escape. A small space to once again connect with our roots, connect with nature. We’re here to let you know that you don’t have to give up on those childhood dreams of owning the ultimate treehouse. In fact, there are many people living that exact dream throughout the world already. To help inspire you to get started on building your elevated sanctuary, we’ve scoured the depths of the interwebs to compile this list of the 25 coolest adult treehouses on the planet – in no particular order.