Women We Love: The Girls of ‘The 100’

The 100 Has Some of the Best Female Characters on TV.
The CW recently premiered the fourth season of their post-apocalyptic sci-fi series The 100. Only, the apocalypse is coming. Again.
The critically acclaimed series was rocked by controversy during Season 3 when the show rather unceremoniously killed off Lincoln and then Lexa, the badass lesbian Commander of the 13 clans. If that wasn’t bad enough, they even pulled the trigger right after she and Clarke had made love for the first (and as it turned out, only) time in an example of what’s called the Bury Your Gays trope. Fan rage ensued, and death threats (including suicide threats) were aimed at showrunner Jason Rothenberg and his family, the actors and more. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty, and after Rothenberg’s belated mea culpa, it’ll be interesting to see where the show goes from there.